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Meditation To Support Health

Andora Prasad Freedom

Before founding The Sacred Breath, Andora was the founder/owner of Denver’s Premier, Award-winning Yoga Studio, Samadhi Center for Yoga for nearly two decades until 2021 when she passed it on to its current owner.  She is also a forever student, with many certifications from her years as a doula, bodyworker, energetic healer, yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator and more.  


Some of Andora's other passions include:

  • IIN Certified Holistic Health & Life Coach

  • Hemp CBD Health Educator

  • Reiki Master & Intuitive Energetic Healer

  • Rife Vibrational Therapy

  • Stress & Trauma Release with TRE method

  • Devoted mama to one very special daughter 

  • Perpetual student of life


Andora has spent decades in search of understanding life's greatest mysteries.  Fascination with the human body, mind and soul have intrigued her since childhood and have lead to study with many great teachers, as well as experiencing profound illuminations spoken of in the ancient great texts while studying with a siddhi master for years in India.


After many years of study and practice, Andora is following her inner guidance to share in ways that empower all to awaken into the Truth of their own Light.  


With a life-long passion for understanding health, wellness and thriving on all levels for herself and others, Andora began her studies in pre-med many years ago and then studied with great teachers near and far to investigate and better understand the human condition. Her studies in meditation began well over 25 years ago and have lead to advanced training and certification in several lineages. Andora's passion and discoveries led her to create several flourishing businesses that engage seekers toward their own illumination and wellness in every way. 


Andora has an insatiable appetite for awakening magic in the world and can’t wait to help you actualize your heart's great desire. She travels to share classes, workshops, trainings and retreats. To schedule an energetic healing session, private Sacred Breathwork session or to host workshops in your area with Andora, please don't hesitate to get in touch.  

Samadhi Samudra Blessing Ritual
Samadhi Samudra Blessing Ritual
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